Our 8th episode, researched by Melanie, looks at the vanishing on the 16th September 1890 of one of the most important, but not very well known, people in the history of cinema : Louis Le Prince, the inventor of the movie camera.

Our 8th episode, researched by Melanie, looks at the vanishing on the 16th September 1890 of one of the most important, but not very well known, people in the history of cinema : Louis Le Prince, the inventor of the movie camera.
Lea and Christine, two sisters, murdered their employers in the most grusome and sadistic way. In this episode we’re looking at the murder and the sisters’ trial.
Our 7th episode will take us to Le Mans (that of the 24 hours) in 1933. Two sisters, Lea and Christine, murder their employers in the most gory and sadistic way.
In 1923, Pierre Quéméneur disappears on a trip to Paris with Guillaume Seznec to sell Cadillac cars left by the Americans after WWI to the USSR. His body is never found and follows a century of intrigue.
Hairy hands, Cadillacs, and murder.
Episode 6 will take us to Britany for one of the most famous murder stories in recent French history: the Seznec affair where Guillaume Seznec is accused of having killed Pierre Quéméneur, his business partner, and hidden his body.
Our 5th episode takes us to Paris before WWI. A gang, “La bande a Bonnot” terrorises Paris with their violent, often deadly, robberies.
Bonus this episode: a Sherlock Holmes connection.
Our 5th episode will take us to Paris where an infamous gang, “la bande à Bonnot”, aka Bonnot’s gang, murders and pillages the streets of Paris for a couple of years.
The gang is significant because they are the first ones to use cars in their crimes.
For this 4th episode, we look at Landru, often considered the first French serial killer.
Landru is said to have killed at least 11 women, possibly 12, within a few years just after WWI.
For that episode, we look at an infamous case in France: the Landru affair. Landru is considered the first French serial killer and is synonymous of pure Evil. Everybody has heard of it, but not many know what it really is about.
For this episoode, we go back to the area where our first episode took place. We relate the story of an inn where possibly up to 53 murders took place and how real and imaginary crimes and political schemes play a role in the trial.