Episode 72 is ready. On the 30th October 1979, the body of Robert Boulin, minister for work of the then centre-right government, is found dead in a lake near Paris. Who killed the minister, and why?
Release date: 3rd September.

Episode 72 is ready. On the 30th October 1979, the body of Robert Boulin, minister for work of the then centre-right government, is found dead in a lake near Paris. Who killed the minister, and why?
Release date: 3rd September.
In the 1990s, a serial killer is active in the Alsace region of France. He might be responsible for 150 murders, making him the most prolific in France during the 20th century.
We’ve just recorded episode 71 (a bit late). A missing body, and an unexpected confession.
Release date: 20th August.
In the 1990s, a serial killer is active in the Alsace region of France. He might be responsible for 150 murders, making him the most prolific in France during the 20th century.
Release date: 6th August.
In 1902, a man is found murdered in a dentist office. The affair will lead to the first arrest and conviction in the world based on fingerprints.
At the end of the 19th century, a small village priest becomes famous for spending large amounts of money he can’t possibly own. To this day, mystery surrounds the origin of his fortune.
In the summer of 1906, abbot Delarue, priest at Chatenay, disappears leaving behind him only his hat and bicycle. From mediums to Indian mystics, the search for his body was a complete circus.
On the 13th August 1889, villagers contact local authorities to report a terrible smell along the road from Vernaison and Millery, near Lyon. The gruesome discovery will lead to many twists and a year of inquiry.
On the 3rd October 1980, a bomb explodes in front of the synagogue rue Copernic in Paris. 43 years later, the affair finally came to an end.
One morning, in July 2004, a lock keeper on the Ourcq canal, East of Paris, calls the gendarmerie to report a woman’s body. It is bound with duct tape. It’s clearly not an accident.