In 1822. in the South East of France, Marie Gerin, a field labourer’s wife, disappears without a trace. The whole village searches for her in vain. She is eventually found in pieces and suspicions turn toward the local priest.

19th century case
In 1822. in the South East of France, Marie Gerin, a field labourer’s wife, disappears without a trace. The whole village searches for her in vain. She is eventually found in pieces and suspicions turn toward the local priest.
Episode 12 takes us to the South-East of France, where some murders occur without even a suspect being identified. The murders are particularly gruesome, with what appears to be ritualistic mutilations. One instructing judge will have a stroke of genius and develop the first profile to catch the killer.
Our 8th episode, researched by Melanie, looks at the vanishing on the 16th September 1890 of one of the most important, but not very well known, people in the history of cinema: Louis Le Prince, the inventor of the movie camera.
For this episoode, we go back to the area where our first episode took place. We relate the story of an inn where possibly up to 53 murders took place and how real and imaginary crimes and political schemes play a role in the trial.